A debate that has been raging for years amongst gym goers is whether to clean bulk or dirty bulk. DESIblitz sheds light on which bulking method is better.
ulking is a fitness term used to describe when someone is looking to get bigger in terms of building more muscle mass.
Despite what their names may allude to, clean and dirty bulking isn’t defined by the types of foods you eat but by how many overall calories you consume.
Everybody has a maintenance level of calories which is where you eat enough food to maintain your current weight.
Therefore, those looking to gain weight, bulk up, or build muscle will have to consume more calories than their maintenance level i.e. be in a caloric surplus.
The two most popular diet methods you hear gym goers debate about when it comes to muscle building are clean and dirty bulking.
Differences Between Clean Bulking and Dirty Bulking
Both methods involve being in a caloric surplus (eating more calories than you burn each day) as the extra energy is needed to synthesise new muscle tissue.
A clean bulk is a smaller, more controlled caloric surplus with the goal of building muscle at a gradual pace whilst minimising gains in body fat.
In comparison, a dirty bulk is a much larger surplus that will cause weight gain at a much faster rate and will also result in a much higher increase in body fat percentage.
For either method, what you would firstly need to do is work out what your calorie maintenance level is and then increase that number by a set amount to encourage new muscle growth.
Clean Bulking and Its Benefits
The recommended intake of calories for a clean bulk is a 15 per cent increase from your maintenance level.
However, everyone is different and this may be too much or too little for lean muscle gains.
Our recommended approach is, after having worked out your maintenance level, increase your daily caloric intake by 100 calories and try that for a week.
If you’re not gaining any weight, increase that number by another 100 calories until you’re gaining about half a pound per week.
Those partaking in a clean bulk will have to grow accustom to the meticulous nature that comes with it; everything that you eat must be weighed beforehand in order to ensure you are consuming your correct caloric intake.
Because of this methodical approach, clean bulkers are much more likely to adhere to a strict diet full of healthy nutrient dense foods which will help contribute to minimising fat gains whilst maximising the amount of lean muscle gains.
The weighing scales will also become your best friend in order to track weight gain and make sure you aren’t gaining too quickly.
Although this method won’t yield significantly noticeable results in the short term, just be patient as dirty bulking will only lead to misery.