Bones are growing, living tissues that are made mostly of collagen. Bone contains calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate that adds strength and hardens the framework of the body. The combination of collagen and calcium provides the bone its flexibility and strength. The bones are strong due to the presence of calcium, and more than 99% of the body’s calcium is contained in the teeth and bones. The bones provide structural support for the body and also protect the important organs of the human body. Not getting enough may lead to brittle, fragile bones that are more prone to disease and fractures.
Reasons for Bone Loss
Bone health is measured mainly in two ways- bone density and bone mass. Bone density defines the thickness of the bones and bone mass means how much bone one has. Bone densitometry is an enhanced form of the modern x-ray technology that is utilized to measure bone loss. There are several reasons for bone loss. Here we have jotted down a few common reasons.- Too much alcohol can easily damage the bones. It can also increase the chances of fractures.
- Men and women who usually smoke have weaker bones. Women who smoke after menopause have higher chances of fractures.
- A Sedentary Lifestyle increases the chances of bone loss. A Sedentary Lifestyle is described as a kind of lifestyle in which a person leads a complete activity less life.
- Lower levels of estrogen among
women enhance the chances of bone loss. Estrogen plays an important role
in the regulation of strength and mass of bone by controlling functions
of bone-resorbing osteoclasts.
- The medical conditions that may lead to bone loss are overactive parathyroid gland and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Inability to walk or exercise may lead to bone loss and fractures.
Foods that Improve Bone Density and Strength
There is a strong connection between health and nutrition. The health and strength of the bones mainly rely on a perfect and a steady stream of nutrients, most importantly, Vitamin D and calcium.Fish
A healthy diet for women should include fish. The list of calcium rich fishes includes sardines and canned salmon. Their tiny bones are one of the greatest sources of calcium. Calcium is important for bone health as it helps bones remain healthy and strong. Calcium is important for maintaining the levels of bone mass, and it also helps to maintain the structure of the body. Various natural sources of calcium include oranges, sesame seeds, almonds, kale, Blackstrap Molasses and white beans.Yogurt
The best healthy foods for strong bones should include yogurt. During menopause, the decreased level of estrogen can cause bone loss and to ensure bone health the body primarily needs Vitamin D and calcium. Yogurt is derived from milk, and it is a great source of animal protein and several other nutrients such as VitaminB2, calcium, potassium, Vitamin D, magnesium, and Vitamin B12. Yogurt prevents osteoporosis, colon cancer. It helps to reduce the problems of high blood pressure, vaginal infection and also improves the problems of constipation, diarrhea.Milk
Milk is one of the most well known calcium rich foods that help to reduce the amount of bone loss. Milk is a great source of proteins, calcium, carbohydrate, fat, Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin C , folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc.Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium in the body and also effectively prevents osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, depression, hypertension, muscle pain, and cancer. Low levels of calcium in the body can enhance the risk for osteoporosis. It is essential for bone health and also
Egg is one of the most well known Vitamin D rich foods that provide the best quality protein, protect the bones and promote healthy hair and nails. Eggs are rich in Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, calcium, folate, phosphorous and selenium. Phosphorous is an important component for the making of healthy bones, and the density of bones is build up by phosphorous and calcium.Phosphorous aids in protein formation and strong bone formation. Several natural sources of phosphorous include nuts, cheese, fish, beef, soy foods, beans and lentils. Vitamin D controls the genes involved in making estrogen. Estrogens are hormones that are essential for sexual and reproductive development, mainly in women.
Regular eating of banana helps the body absorb calcium and other essential nutrients that ensure healthy bones. It is rich in Vitamin C, A and E, natural oils, carbohydrates, potassium, zinc, and iron. Bananas prevent kidney cancer, hangovers, diabetes, and also aids in the reduction of depression.The presence of magnesium in bananas helps promote the development of bone structures. It lowers the levels of and prevents cardiovascular disease. Beans, lentils, fish, nuts, seeds, dark leafy greens, avocado and whole grains are the important sources of magnesium.
The best healthy food tips for strong bones must include broccoli. It is an incredible source of Vitamin C, calcium, Vitamin K, omega 3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, potassium, manganese, phosphorus and glucosinolates. New findings show that eating foods like broccoli and spinach rich in Vitamin K helps improve bone density and also helps to reduce bone loss in postmenopausal women.Regular eating of broccoli prevents cancer, heart attack, stroke, allergy reaction, and inflammation. It is the outstanding resource of Omega-3 fatty acids which promotes fertility by helping to regulate hormones in the body. We can consume by eating fishes such as lake trout, mackerel, sardines, herring, albacore tuna, and salmon.
A healthy diet full of natural plant based foods provides the calcium required for bone strength. High in Vitamin D, calcium, iron, folate, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc, fiber and antioxidants, beans reduce the symptoms of osteoporosis. Folate aids in the development of red blood cells and plays an important role in many bodily functions like bone repair, bone maintenance, DNA synthesis and amino acid metabolism.It aids in the formation of leukocytes and erythrocytes. When the beans are sprouted, they become incredible sources of Vitamin C. Beans contain hyaluronic acid that is a vital anti-aging substance. Eating beans daily can lower the diabetes, colorectal cancer, and helps with weight management.
The best foods for bone strength must include apples. Apple is a good source of potassium, phosphorous, zinc, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, sodium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, thiamine, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, riboflavin and pectin. Vitamin C rich foods like apples can slow the process of bone loss and also regulates greater bone mass.Vitamin C is an antioxidant that reduces the rate of free radical damage, and it is the key to avoiding scurvy and should be included in the perfect diet for strong bones. Orange, guava, lemon, bell pepper, kale, papaya, strawberry, kiwi, pineapple are the .
The body needs calcium to keep the bones strong and dense. Weak bones can break easily. Almond is the outstanding source of Vitamin E, manganese, copper, Vitamin B2, phosphorous, magnesium, fiber, and biotin. It promotes healthy bones and also increases bone density. The presence of Vitamin E in almonds helps to repair the devastated tissues. It aids in the treatment of joint pain and and also prevents miscarriage, cancer and stroke.Sunflower sprouts
Sunflower sprouts ensure incredible health benefits, and we can eat many parts of the plant. Sunflower sprouts are rich in essential amino acids which help to repair muscle tissues of the body, and they are great sources of vitamin D, minerals and phytonutrients, folate and B Vitamins. helps the human body absorb calcium that helps to keep the bones dense and strong. Oily fish, cod liver oil, mushrooms, tofu, dairy products, and caviar are the natural sources of Vitamin D.Characterized by fragile, brittle and weak bones, osteopenia and osteoporosis severely affect many men and women throughout the world. Include these foods in the daily diet to have strong bones that ensure a healthy life.
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