NO-ONE enjoys being bloated, but the condition seems to come hand-in-hand with the festive period.
Sprouts and prosecco can contribute to bloating, stretching the stomach and causing it to swell.
A whopping 25 per cent of Brits claim bloating has ruined a special or important occasion more than once.
Angela Dowden - a registered Nutritionist - has a few handy hints and tips for anyone struggling with the condition - especially common in women before their period.
This is the pose that will help banish trapped wind from your gut: child's pose
This is the pose that will help banish trapped wind from your gut: child's pose
She said: "Got premenstrual bloating? Up your intake of magnesium, found in the likes of bananas, Brazil nuts and almonds, pulses and green veg."
Angela added: "Write down everything you eat, plus any bloating symptoms, to help you identify any culprit foods or eating patterns.
"Slash salt
- too much salt causes your body to retain excess fluid and cutting down can rapidly rid you of a couple of pounds. Foods to cut down on include pizza, sauces, seasonings, bacon, cheese, ham, stock cubes, anchovies and pickles."
She explained: "Take care with chewing gum – though sugar free gum is good for your teeth it's another way to inadvertently add excess air to your system.
"Try a daily probiotic yogurt or supplement – there’s some evidence that good bacteria can help ease bloating.
Angela added: "Constipation is a common cause of bloating so ditch white bread and pasta and go for the higher fibre whole grain varieties instead."
Nearly two thirds of women say Christmas is the time of year they most commonly suffer with bloating or trapped wind.
Celebrity personal trainer Ramona Braganza said: "Get moving, by walking or doing toe touch stretches. Gravity will work to get the gas out of your body.
"Twisting exercises to help push air out of digestive system, this can be done in a chair or on the ground. Sit feet facing forward then rotate torso to the right and reach around to hold back of the chair, then repeat other direction."
Ramona is a celebrity Personal Trainer well known for sculpting some of Hollywood’s hottest bodies, including Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson, Zoe Saldana and Anne Hathaway.
She added: "A yoga pose called child’s pose is a great way to compress your intestinal tract and can help push gases through the digestive system.
Kneel on all fours, then lower your hips back and down until they are resting on your feet bend forward to rest torso on legs as you reach arms forward on the ground."
A huge 60 per cent of women say they go up a whole dress size when they’re bloated. The experts advise trying an antacid, such as Maalox Plus, to aid recovery from trapped wind and bloating.
Etiquette expert Liz Brewer revealed: "Don’t eat and drink at the same time, or swallow your food with liquid. Liquids will pass straight into the intestine and can inhibit digestion.
"Make sure you have 30 bites to every mouthful. Digestion begins in the mouth and you can decrease your chance of bloating by simply chewing your food more thoroughly before swallowing."
"Don’t talk with your mouthful. Not only is it rude, but it will also cause you to swallow more air leaving you feeling bloated."
Liz added: "Make sure you pick the right food combinations. Cranberry sauce might taste good on your turkey, but fruit and meat is not a great idea.
"Fruit’s simple sugars require no digestion, so if combined with other foods that do it will stay in the stomach and ferment."
1 التعليقات:
Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on women's health bloated stomach