WITH just five weeks to go until UK summertime officially begins,
new research has revealed that mid-May is when body-conscious Brits’
summer holiday diet begins.

A survey of 1,005 UK
adults, carried out by beabetteryoucourses.co.uk, has identified that
after people’s new year diet and fitness regimes came to an end in early
February, now is the time their thoughts turn to creating the ideal
summer body.
Overall, 76% of Brits say their new year diet had come to and end by February.
One in five say they have not been to the gym since.
the data shows the majority did not uphold their fit and healthy starts
to 2016, British holiday-goers are taking the term ‘beach body ready’
quite seriously.
More than half of those surveyed said they diet for four to six weeks ahead of their summer holiday.
Yet 21% will diet for more than six weeks.
11% of UK adults will leave their summer body preparation until the
last minute, and admit to crash dieting for just one week ahead of their
Simon Bubb, managing director at
www.beabetteryoucourses.co.uk, said: “What’s surprising about these
findings is the amount of Britons who diet or hit the gym especially
ahead of a summer holiday when instead, maintaining a healthy balanced
lifestyle all year round would be much more beneficial.

Often, short-terms diets require sacrifice and take a lot
of willpower but they can actually be quite damaging to your health, as
many won’t take the recovery time between workouts of consume enough
calories to fuel their bodies.
“Holidays are great for
motivating ourselves to be healthier, but it shouldn’t be the case that
you diet and workout for six weeks in the run up to a holiday and then
go back to old habits or binge while you’re away - this will only undo
all of your hard work.
“It’s better to instead set
realistic, long-term diet and fitness goals so that when it comes up to
holiday preparation, it’s not such a mammoth task and you can take it at
a safe pace.”
The research found just 15% of Brits will stick to their pre-holiday diet and fitness regime when they return.

Brits have more
motivation than ever this year to get in tip top shape after news by
forecasters saying it will be the hottest summer Britain has seen in
Unfortunately, those just thinking about their summer bodies now will not be prepared for next week’s forecast heatwave.
From next Tuesday, temperatures will begin to rise, hitting 30 degrees within a fortnight.