where people like to have sex

Be careful where you sit the next time you’re invited over someone’s house

Want to keep your sex life hot? You need to add some novelty to the mix—whether it’s , different  techniques, or uncharted locations.
One great way to do that is getting busy in places a little more exciting than the bedroom.
A survey by Skyn Condoms found that 8 out of 10 people ages 18 to 34 are satisfied with their sex lives.
That might be partly because they’re not afraid to experiment with different locations.
For example, 78 percent report having had sex .
Other hot top locations? Nearly 3 in 4 report getting busy in the shower, 64 percent have enjoyed coitus in the car, and 1 in 4 have stripped down in the laundry room.
And it may sound sexy, but sex on the beach isn’t as awesome—or comfortable—as you may think. That may be why only 23 percent report having had sex in the sand.
The article  originally ran on WomensHealthMag.com.

 Health and life
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