Want to have more sex? Then you need to be doing THIS simple thing

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A NEW study has revealed the one simple thing couples need to do more of to increase the amount of sex they have.

It isn’t dressing up in a kinky outfit or trying a bizarre new move in bed.

The study revealed couples who want to have more sex should share housework more fairly.
Those who did so had more sex than those who stuck to sexist stereotypes.

The discovery was made in a paper, due to be published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, after data on a nationwide 2006 US study of marital satisfaction was analysed.

It found that different gender couples who reported sharing housework equally had sex 6.8
times per month on average, compared to around 5 times per month for households in which one partner did the bulk of routine housework.

In households with unequal distribution of chores, the person tasked with the most work was almost always female rather than male.
Researchers defined “routine housework” as: preparing and cooking meals, washing dishes, cleaning around the house, shopping for groceries and doing laundry.

They found that how frequently couples have sex also increases not only if housework overall is divided fairly, but if the individual chores are not divided by gender stereotypes; such as cooking and cleaning for women and DIY chores for men.

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The study also revealed that despite furthering of gender equality in recent years, American women still do the majority of the housework in the USA.
In 63 per cent of homes, the majority is undertaken by women.
This was found to be the case even when women work longer hours and earn more than men.
Paper author Professor Sharon Sassler, from Cornell University, said of the results: “Contemporary couples who adhere to a more egalitarian division of labor are the only couples who have experienced an increase in sexual frequency compared to their counterparts of the past.

couple cleaning

“Other groups – including those where the woman does the bulk of the housework – have experienced declines in sexual frequency.
“This finding is particularly notable given reports indicating that sexual frequency has generally declined worldwide over the past few decades.”
Commenting on the study, historian Stephanie Coontz said it reflects how heterosexual couples now experience “more equalized power between men and women”.
She said: “Love used to be seen as the attraction of opposites, and each partner in a marriage specialized in a unique set of skills, resources, and emotions that, it was believed, the other gender lacked.
“Today, love is based on shared interests, activities, and emotions.
“Where difference was once the basis of desire, equality is increasingly becoming erotic.”
The news about sharing chores increasing the amount of times a couple has sex comes as gorgeous

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